Welcome to Alexander Schools, Inc.`


W. E. Sweatt Building

A History of Alexander Schools Inc


In November 1950, a new kitchen was completed.  On 1 February 1952, the wooden gymnasium to the right-of and just behind the Administration Building burned to the ground.  In August 1952, the current building of Round Hill Church was completed at a cost of $225,000.  In January 1954, fire destroyed the senior girls' dormitory, the Buchanan Dormitory.  In April 1954, a large brick dormitory replaced the Brown House.  In 1957, the new gymnasium (John W. Vogler Gymnasium) was completed. It rests on the land that is between the current Administration Building and where the old Brown House was located.   In 1960, the current swimming pool was constructed where the old big-girls' dorm stood. In 1961, the octagon-shaped dining hall was replaced with a brick structure. In 1964, a house was built where the old Morris Home for Boys stood. This house was used as a residence by the Head of the new "Social Services Department." In 1968, The frame baby cottage was torn down and replaced by a new Junior Boys Cottage (1969).  In 1974, a new student center was erected. This building is across the dirt road from the dining hall.

In 1975, the campus consisted of 14 buildings situated on 37 acres of land.